Category Talent

Celebrities Are A Force Multiplier

Force Multiplier:\fo(e)rs\məl- tə -plĪ(ə)r n: A tool that dramatically amplifies your effectiveness. Originally coined in the military, force multiplier refers to the use of technology or skills that make effort more effective. Nothing could be truer than adding celebrity star…

Sourse: Democratizing Wellness

In 2020, Andrew Remlinger and Jenne Moore introduced the world to Sourse, a vitamin infused chocolate crafted with plant-based ingredients proven to revitalize how people look and feel. In the fall of last year, they brought Sarah Hyland, superstar actress…

Celebrity Ownership: How Much Is Too Much?

Understanding the Matrix of Celebrity Deals Most people assume that the greater the ownership in a company, the greater care the person will have in seeing that business succeed. Whilst that is often the case in the real world, this…

NuSkool: A New Face

On June 14, 2022, NuSkool announced they were welcoming former NFL quarterback and ESPN broadcaster, Tim Tebow as investor and Chief Mission Officer of the business. We sat down with founder and CEO, Joe Christensen to learn about how it…

Yezzy Fallout Aftermath

Failed celebrity brands are often noted because they failed. Failed to secure customers, failed to get on the shelves, failed at product-market-fit. Whilst the reasoning behind these failures is varied and vast, one often doesn’t consider the failure of a…

tbh: Bigger than Business

At 15 years old, Stranger Things star, Noah Schnapp, partnered with UVS in an effort to bring tbh to the world.This week we sat down with Chief Executive Officer, Elena Guberman, of tbh – one of the fastest growing brands…

Why Celebrity Brands Fail

And The Two Things You Need To Look Out for We talk a lot about why celebrity co-founders make great partners and most importantly, how they can quickly accelerate a brand’s growth. But what about when it goes south? Who…

The Beauty Of Your Home

Defining A New Category. That’s exactly what actress Courteney Cox and Sarah Jahnke are doing at Homecourt. Homecourt offers beauty products for the home. It carries a wide variety of products like surface cleaner, room deodorant, dish soap, candles, hand soap,…